a press release from the event organizers, the KGRR
source article:

As the weather shifts to the pleasantness of early autumn we send you our warmest greetings, and we thank you all for your continued support of the KGRR's activities. After careful discussion with the host city of Inzai, Chiba, we have made the decision to cancel the 27th Kanto Region University Women's Ekiden.
As this race serves to select the greater Tokyo area's representative teams at October's 39th National University Women's Ekiden, we will instead hold a selection event as per the details below, without spectators and following all the COVID-19 protocols outlined in the JAAF's "Guidance for Resuming Athletics Competition." Please be aware that depending on the status of the pandemic this event may also be canceled. We ask for your understanding and cooperation with this decision.
Kanto Region Selection Event for 39th National University Women's Ekiden
Date: Saturday, Sept. 29, 2021
Location: Sagamihara Gion Stadium
Format: Each school may enter 9 athletes, of which 6 will run. These 6 runners will be split between 3 heats of 5000 m on the track in the stadium. The 4 schools with the fastest combined times of their 6 runners will be chosen to race at Nationals.
translated by Brett Larner
