On Sept. 28 the city government of Shimonoseki in Yamaguchi made a final decision to go ahead with this year's Shimoseki Kaikyo Marathon on Nov. 7 after canceling the race last year. The city had been debating whether to hold the race as the coronavirus pandemic continues, but as infection cases decline and vaccination has seen widespread acceptance across the country, the race's organizing committee made the determination that circumstances now allow them to stage the event.
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Participants will receive an antigen testing kit and are to perform a test within 24 hours prior to the race. They will also be required to take commonsense precautions like wearing masks in the start and finish areas. Tokyo Paralympics women's blind division marathon gold medalist Misato Michishita will appear as a special guest. A spokesperson for the organizing committee commented, "We want to put on a truly safe and secure marathon where, more than just a finish time, people will have an unforgettable time."
Translator's note: In its last edition in 2019 the Shimonoseki Kaikyo Marathon had 8,611 finishers. The Shimonoseki city government's decision comes a day after Prime Minister Suga announced all states of emergency nationwide will be lifted after Sept. 30. They are looking at you, Tokyo.
translated by Brett Larner
