For the third year in a row, Yuki Kawauchi (Saitama Pref. Gov't) won the Kawauchi no Sato Kaeru Half Marathon in Kawauchi, Fukushima, running 1:05:54 in hot and sunny conditions. His mother Mika and younger brothers Yoshiki and Koki also ran, Yoshiki fresh back from running last weekend's PZU Krakow Marathon and Koki newly elected to the local city council in the family's hometown of Kuki, Saitama.
Over the stage where the brothers appeared before and after the race hung a banner that read, "The town of Kawauchi supports Yuki Kawauchi with all our hearts! Congratulations on winning the Boston Marathon!!" A long line of fans lined up for autographs and selfies with Kawauchi, who wore his Boston winners' medal after the race. He next runs half marathons in Saitama and Hokkaido on back-to-back days this coming Friday and Saturday.
© 2018 Brett Larner, all rights reserved
川内選手ゲストランナー(*^^*)— かずのこ (@flyingkazuchan) April 28, 2018
Over the stage where the brothers appeared before and after the race hung a banner that read, "The town of Kawauchi supports Yuki Kawauchi with all our hearts! Congratulations on winning the Boston Marathon!!" A long line of fans lined up for autographs and selfies with Kawauchi, who wore his Boston winners' medal after the race. He next runs half marathons in Saitama and Hokkaido on back-to-back days this coming Friday and Saturday.
福島県の川内村に川内優輝選手の取材に行ってきました(※川内の郷かえるマラソンに川内三兄弟がゲストランナーとして盛り上げていました)。そこてボストンマラソンの優勝メダルを見せてもらってビックリ。メダルに本物のダイヤモンドが飾ってあるんです。さすが伝統のボストンですね。— スポーツライター酒井政人 (@gakusei_ekiden) April 28, 2018
© 2018 Brett Larner, all rights reserved
