I'm Remi Nakazato. Right now I'm based in Flagstaff in the United States. Every day I'm training hard with all my great teammates. Since I got here I've been feeling better and better, so the workouts have been really fulfilling and day-to-day life has been a lot of fun. My next race is the National Track and Field Championships in Osaka in June. I'm from Osaka, so I want to run the kind of race that's going to make everybody who comes to watch happy. I also want to tell everyone who ordinarily supports me and the people who make my training possible that I'm working hard. Here in America I'm eating a lot, running a lot, and I'm happy and healthy and doing my best. Thank you for your support now and in the future.
translation (c) 2012 Brett Larner
all rights reserved
And I don't change direction....