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Yoshihisa Hosaka Gets World Record #3 at Beppu-Oita Mainichi Marathon (updated)

by Brett Larner

photo (c) 2009 Mika Tokairin

A year after his 60+ world record of 2:36:30 at the 2009 Beppu-Oita Mainichi Marathon, Yoshihisa Hosaka did it again with a 2:38:12 world record for the 61 year old bracket at this year's Beppu-Oita on Feb. 7. Hosaka's time breaks the existing world record, set by Wil van der Lee of the Netherlands at the 1991 Amsterdam Marathon, by a slim 20 second margin. Hosaka now holds the world record for three consecutive age brackets.

59 - 2:34:23, Fukuoka 2008
60 - 2:36:30, Beppu-Oita 2009
61 - 2:38:12, Beppu-Oita 2010

In this year's race Hosaka started conservatively compared to his previous two world record runs, clocking consistent mid-37 minute 10 km splits through 30 km and hitting halfway in 1:18:26. By comparison, at this past December's 2009 Fukuoka International Marathon, a few weeks before his 61st birthday, Hosaka went through halfway in 1:15:48. In Beppu-Oita he slowed significantly between 30 and 35 km but managed to rally and claim the record with a 1:19:46 second half. "I ran as hard as I could to get this world record and I'm very happy with it," Hosaka told JRN. He will next run the Tokyo Marathon on Feb. 28.

Yoshihisa Hosaka sets the 60+ world record of 2:36:30 at the 2009 Beppu-Oita Mainichi Marathon. Photo courtesy of Yoshihisa Hosaka.

Update: A summary of Hosaka's last few marathons:

2:38:12 - Beppu-Oita 2/7/10 (age 61)
2:40:39 - Fukuoka, 12/6/09 (age 60)
2:41:15 - Hokkaido, 8/30/09 (age 60)
2:39:33 - L.A., 5/25/09 (age 60)
2:40:16 - Nagano, 4/19/09 (age 60)
2:36:30 - Beppu-Oita, 2/1/09 (age 60)
2:34:23 - Fukuoka, 12/7/08 (age 59)

There are probably a few more in there that I don't know about.

(c) 2010 Brett Larner
all rights reserved


Jon in Tokyo said…
Something for all Nambanners to aim at in the future.
Samurai Running said…
Yes Jon,

All runners now have something to think about. And thanks Brett for your continued promotion of Mr. Hosaka. He really is an inspiration. And a nice guy to boot, I've heard from Bob, et al.
Matt said…
Great performance. It is amazing the stress load the human body can handle at older ages. I look forward to seeing Yoshihisa run more records in the future.
Michael Quispe said…
I passed him in Boston this year and immediately wondered if it was him. Checked the results and sure enough, there he was. Amazing guy!

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