Immediately after finishing last by one minute in the women's 10000 m to a roaring ovation at the Berlin World Championships, the 142 cm-tall Yukari Sahaku, 20, was picked up by mascot Berlino and given a huge, twirling hug like the junior high school-aged girl she resembles.
The delighted Sahaku enjoyed every moment, then made her way through a short interview in English during which Berlino again picked her up and held her at the interviewer's level. Click the photos for full-sized images.
The delighted Sahaku enjoyed every moment, then made her way through a short interview in English during which Berlino again picked her up and held her at the interviewer's level. Click the photos for full-sized images.
They didn`t show those scenes on TV in my country and I was wondering if it didn`t come across as a bit disrispectful to grab an athlete straight after the finish line and lift her off her feet (my 3-year-old nephew doesn`t like it, so how should a grown-up?), so it was good to see these awesome pictures!