On June 15th the Shizuoka Prefectural High School Athletic Federation Track and Field Division announced that the canceled Shizuoka Prefectural Championships has been rescheduled for July 18 and 19 at Ecopa Stadium in Fukuroi, Shizuoka. The regional qualifying meets for the Prefectural Championships will take place July 4 and 5, with the Eastern Region meet happening at Tamoteki Field in Ashita Kakoiki Park, the Central Region meet at Kusanagi Field, and the Western Region meet at Ecopa Stadium itself.
In the past the regional and prefectural meets have been held over three days, but due to the current limitations on school activity hours it was determined that it would be difficult to include a weekday in the meets' schedules. The programs have been shortened to fit into a two-day weekend schedule by eliminating the semifinals in sprint events and by holding relay events with a time race format.
Limitations have also been put in place on participation in order to reduce crowding. Schools may field no more than three athletes per event, with first and second-year students limited to one event and third years to two events not including relays.
source article:
translated by Brett Larner
